A free inspirational oracle card reading from one of my oracle card decks. My interpretation of this randomly chosen single card draw is shared with you here. Perhaps the message from this card pull was intended for you to know right now!
Event – Violet Aura Discusses Auras and Crystal Healing
Violet Aura discusses aura and crystal healing as a returning guest on the Curious Times Talk Radio show. In this program, she speaks about her experience with authentic crystal healing for the aura and for the mind, body and spirit. Listen in to get the information about this enlightening and empowering healing art.
Crystal Healing and Connecting with Peridot, Olivine, Chrysolite
Peridot is a fascinating, yet underrated crystal healing stone to work with. It has an interesting web of connections with the history of the Heavens and the Earth. This stone is potent and has uplifting, nurturing, energy that is patient and accepting. It is a joy to work with as common olivine or gemmy peridot.
Free Inspirational Oracle Card Reading, Random Card
A free inspirational oracle card reading from one of my oracle card decks. My interpretation of this randomly chosen single card draw is shared with you here. Perhaps the message from this card pull was intended for you to know right now!
What Matters Within 3-Card Spread
The What Matters Within 3-card Tarot Oracle Spread is a centering and humbling card layout. It is used to reveal which divine influences have been empowering to our spirit. This layout can be read with a Tarot deck or any oracle deck with beautiful results for spiritual encouragement, or for divine guidance, advice and acknowledgement.
Reiki Master and Gayatri Mantra Crystal Healing Blessing Altar
With so much lovely spiritual and celestial energy flowing, I seized the opportunity to bring this energy together and give honor to the mystical and to the sacred. The blessing over this altar combines the invocation of a Reiki Master, the Usui Reiki healing process and the Gayatri Mantra. Its energy is connected to the crown chakra.
Adapted Modern Imagery of the Tarot Death Card
Background and insight into the adapted modern imagery and meaning of the Tarot Death card in the Tarot card reading profession and Tarot artist profession. More non-traditional Tarot decks these days use the image of a rising phoenix or a raven in place of the classic Reaping Skeleton Rider or Grim Reaper.
The Five Remembrances via the Death Card in Tarot
The Five Remembrances Sutta is valuable to use with the interpretation of the Tarot Death card. This Sutta is a Buddhist contemplation also known as the Upajjhatthana Sutta, which is a pathway to resolving impermanence in a harmonious and heartfelt way. When this card appears in a Tarot card reading, I believe it is a gift.
Handmade Tarot Bags Review and Discount Coupon Code
My personal Tarot bags are handmade by Ona, the curator of the lovely WyldeChildeCreations store at the Etsy.com website. She custom creates bags sized for Tarot decks, Thoth, Oracle cards, Angel Cards and Lenormand decks using her own copyrighted design. Check out her bags! She is offering a 10% discount for purchases!
Love and Compassion in Moral and Spiritual Conflict
There is still much to learn about love, kindness and compassion. And there is no shortage of opportunities this week to know for ourselves how well we carry that out in the face of conflict. Who deserves our compassion? Who have we decided are worthy of receiving it? What does true forgiveness look like?