What are the three influences aligned to fuel destructive behavior patterns? Read about ways that we can sidestep paths that lead to destructive outcomes. Learn helpful strategies to help disarm the negative cycles. How to approach the new year and practice healthy habits to be guided back to a more peaceful and enlightened consciousness.
Alignment and Peace: Post-Election Crisis Discussion Expanded
There is a beckoning for humanity’s separation-sickness to be healed within a holistic framework. But we are second-guessing how to achieve this. The more disjointed our beliefs and alignments are down the line, the more discord we experience within ourselves and in society. How to we get closer to cultivating peace?
The Wisdom, Purpose (and Curiosity) of Meditation…From Mars
Lessons of wisdom, purpose and benefits of meditation inspired by NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars. Our Greater Purpose becomes more clear through practicing meditation. When you see Mars do you know that an extension of the best of ourselves lives with purpose to be in service, and is communicating about exploring and learning new things?
The Five Remembrances via the Death Card in Tarot
The Five Remembrances Sutta is valuable to use with the interpretation of the Tarot Death card. This Sutta is a Buddhist contemplation also known as the Upajjhatthana Sutta, which is a pathway to resolving impermanence in a harmonious and heartfelt way. When this card appears in a Tarot card reading, I believe it is a gift.
Maintaining Control of Your Path to Wellness
On our quest to be as good as we can be to ourselves and to other people; the journey isn’t always green grass, baby animals and pictures of a terrifically executed yoga pose. When the path to wellness starts to push buttons of inadequacy and unworthiness it is no longer a path to wellness.
Psychic Animal Communicators
Pet Psychic Janet Roper talks to Anna Breytenbach about the documentary, “The Animal Communicator” and Billie Dean on Animal Telepathy and Animal Shamanism.
The Art of Navigating to a Beautiful Reality
How can you get closer to having a more rich experience of happiness and receive good fortune more frequently? Want less obstacles and less frustration to deal with? The human experience is meant to be joyful and exhilarating. But if life seems like it is working against you or is out to get you, it is perfectly natural to feel frustrated, angry or resentful. The typical
Sweet Delights from the Spiritual Candy Jar
Wouldn’t it be great to have a spiritual candy jar to reach into and know what we take from it will bring us closer to enjoying our true divine nature? These 6 tips from the candy jar can rock your world and raise your personal vibration to something so wildly magnetic, you will know you have just hit the cosmic jackpot!
Is the "Dream Come True" Right in Front of You?
In the course of my work, I have dealings with individuals who are aching to find a lasting and loving, intimate companion. They ask when this magical personality will come into their life. Surprisingly, it is commonly revealed there is already a suitor waiting and willing to sweep them away, except the potential recipient of this lovely and unexpected gift insists on being “Jenny.”
“I Assumed How To Love You”
One of the most prized gems of wisdom I have acquired over the years came forth from a spiritual mentor and personal friend of mine. It is about the processes of understanding how to love someone, and not just freely giving love because we have love to give.