Wisdom I Have Learned from Animal Communicators
An animal communicator is often referred to as a “Pet Psychic.” They attest to having an ability which allows them to have telepathic conversations with animals.
What I have come to experience so far from observing a few animal communicators recently is that their separate paths have eventually led them to this conclusion: Once we are re-aligned with recognizing animals as being equal to humans at our core level, our ability to communicate with other animal species begins to awaken.
I find this intriguing and most of all empowering within the psychic community, where philosophies about how to “activate” different abilities or source where they come from, have been subjects of heavy debate.
Our Psychic Connection with Animals
Janet Roper is an Animal Communicator and host of the Talk2theAnimals program on BlogTalkRadio.
She says in a program which aired on April 1, 2014, that her show is here to, “help you remember how to get back in that natural mode of connecting to sentient beings in an intuitive manner.”
At the start of the talk show, Janet explains the simple connection between all sentient beings; that, “Anything that is on the Earth is a sentient being; and because we are on the Earth, we’re a sentient being. And that means that we can connect with each other. It’s just [a matter of] remembering how to do that.”
She goes on to say, the “language of intuition is programmed into us. We humans have forgotten it.”
On her program that evening, Janet had interviews scheduled with two well-respected Animal Communicators, Anna Breytenbach, and Billie Dean. Both are based outside of the United States.
An Introduction to Anna Breytenbach
Anna Breytenbach is the featured Inter-species Communicator in an enlightening documentary named, “The Animal Communicator”, filmed in South Africa. The documentary film was released in 2013. The film highlights some of Anna’s cases while doing telepathic work with animals. It shares her perspectives about what the animals have to say in response to their interactions with humans.
The documentary’s exposure in the West is gaining popularity rapidly, no doubt due to its uniquely down-to-earth presentation. In it, Anna also aims to convey that communicating with animals is a normal and natural occurrence.
In the interview with Janet, Anna was asked to share what some of her motivations were for participating in the creation of the documentary she is featured in.
Anna mentions that she wanted for people would learn that, “with a little compassion and openness we can actually hear what the viewpoints of the animals are, and hopefully if there are humans involved, then speak to those humans about shifting the animal’s life.”
She has spoken in the documentary and in workshops about “humanity suffering from separation sickness.”
Here, Anna is referring to what she senses as a great “disconnect”, where much of humanity is currently out of touch with other living energies we share the Earth with. She passionately articulates her deep concern for wild animals, as well as captive animals and their welfare.
During the interview with Janet, Anna shares an impression about how the Human status within our eco-system seems to be arranged.
“Over the centuries we have bought into this idea that there is some ‘automatic’ hierarchy in life, and that humans are at the pinnacle; the actual apex of this hierarchy – which is just crazy. Put any of us in the ocean without a spear gun, or out in the African Bush without a rifle, and we’ll see who is ‘top of the food chain’ then!”
The emotional gravity of her experiences with animal communication comes to light as Anna recalls some of her interactions. She reminds us that animals are in a state of crisis. They are reaching out to humans to receive our assistance where they are helpless to save themselves. She faithfully implores of us to reconnect with the Earth and its living beings in order to understand our true nature, and to live and interact harmoniously with one another.
Anna also suggests that an effective way to help the wild and captive animals especially, is in a peaceful and non-invasive way. We can send animals and all living beings our love and respect in meditation, prayer and through other energetic work.
An Introduction to Billie Dean

Photo by Marco Queral
Another renowned Animal Communicator and guest on Janet’s blog talk radio program was Billie Dean who is based in Australia.
Billie’s experience spans a period of over 30 years. She references her ability as Animal Telepathy, and her current path and practice as Animal Shamanism.
In the interview with Janet Roper, she shares her thoughts about the human approach to our existence on this planet. She describes that the human mindset falsely perceives the purpose and reason for the Earth’s existence, is to make it exclusively a resource to be used and taken from.
“This whole concept that has come from our mythology and our religion; that we’re the dominant species and we’re the top of the tree…and everything else is there for our consumption and our pleasure – this has to change.”
Billie goes on to say, “We have to come into more harmony with the world. More respect and more reverence – and to understand that we [humans and animals] are walking on this path together.”
She references a personal encounter from her past, where a horse communicates to her with grave concern that he did not want to become food. In Western Australia, horses have been petitioned to be slaughtered for human consumption. The meat would be sold as produce, as is currently the case with kangaroo, lamb, beef, chicken and other animals. She says to the listening audience, “The idea of eating my family — it’s cannibalism. It really is. It’s quite revolting.”
Janet says in response, “I am glad that you used that word, because I think if we couch it any differently it becomes acceptable.” Indeed if we are aligned to believe just the very basic concept alone that all souls are worthy and deserving of the same respect, their statements are nothing less than a humbling truth.
The conversation with Billie Dean soon shifts to the topic of animals “crossing over to the other side.” People often seek Animal Communicators to gain insights about an animal’s degree of suffering and their wish to either cross over naturally or to be euthanized when their time with us on Earth is nearing its end.
“Animals have a Soul Journey”, Billie says. She feels this spiritual path for animals is something humans could stand to become aware of and learn about. Regarding her experiences with sick animals, the question came up about assistance with crossing over. She iterates, “a lot of them want to die naturally so they can understand the way home.”
Billie then speaks about how an animal’s understanding of death is not the same as a human’s fear of experiencing loss. “Sometimes it is their Soul Journey to leave us, but let’s give them the most opportunity to make that decision themselves.”
With each of these psychics, a very deep sense of respect for all living beings and urgency for humanity to reconnect, remember, and start listening to the natural world again, resonates with intensity. The energy of compassion and conviction for animal welfare that comes through during the interview is unwavering and profoundly spiritually grounded. They are united with their understanding that we all have the ability to hear what other species are saying. They believe it is easy for all of us to take steps towards re-learning the intuitive, inter-species languages.
If you have experiences with a “Pet Psychic”/Animal Communicator, or have comments about any of the psychics or insights mentioned in this article, I invite you to comment with your story. Your thoughts and support are also welcome and appreciated. Please help spread the message and raise awareness about how we can learn to communicate with other species.
I would like to thank Janet Roper for granting me permission to quote from segments of her April 1, 2014 radio program for this article.
More Information
The url for the April 1, 2014 interview referenced in this article can be downloaded or replayed at the following bit link: bit.ly/1lhhtfE
Janet Roper’s website is located at: Talk2theAnimals.net.
Her BlogTalkRadio program can be found at Talk2theanimalsradio.com
Anna Breytenbach’s website is located at AnimalSpirit.org
“The Animal Communicator” DVD can be purchased from respected online retailer Kalahari.com in South Africa.
The documentary film is a Region 2 DVD, which is playable on PCs outside of Region 2. A segment of the program can be viewed on YouTube and Vimeo.
Billie Dean’s website is at BillieDean.com and her book, Secret Animal Business, has been well received for its insightful and transformational teachings. It is available for purchase on her website and through affiliate site Amazon.com.
To learn more about the work of Janet, Anna or Billie, you can check their websites for their social networking links to FaceBook pages, Twitter and other network media outlets.
Wonderful article, thank you! I appreciate the deep insight and clarity of thinking and expression of your article. There is also truly wonderful, multidimensional energetics intertwined and shining though the words and sentences. Thank you for the links too!