Moon in Zodiac Sign 2018 Reference Guide for North America. If you live in North America and hope to take advantage of the full moon, new moon period or blue moon dates for rituals, including charging or cleansing crystals, card decks or other items, you may find it helpful to keep the dateline in mind.
The 111 and 1111 Meaning Explained Without Angels
The meaning of numbers repeating in a series such as 111 and 1111 was placed into the mainstream as “Angel Numbers” by author Doreen Virtue, with the help of the mass market publisher, Hay House. I have added a new article to the Resources page discussing the true meaning of 111 and 1111.
Does Cubic Zirconia Have Metaphysical Properties?
What would give Cubic Zirconia metaphysical properties for healing? Although it is synthesized, Cubic Zirconia legitimately has metaphysical properties and values based on its origin, history, application of use and energetic vibration. There are some excellent points to consider with this man-made stone before discarding its esoteric value. Read more about the stone’s properties here.
Cubic Zirconia Meaning and Properties for Healing
The Cubic Zirconia meaning and metaphysical properties come from an important history. The stone’s properties are both protective and restorative. Those with a special connection to Cubic Zirconia meaning can detect its vibration as one that rings in blissful tones. Due to its unexpectedly heavy weight, the stone is excellent for grounding the practical perspectives it is offers.
Occult Symbols in the Tarot – Introduction
Some images and symbols that appear in old artwork may look bizarre at first glance. When understood in context, it is revealed that certain types of art contains what is identified today as occult symbols. Where did the symbols come from? What was their intention? Why were they used?
Aura Powers and the Colors that Define Them
The power of the aura has continued to intrigue the spiritual community. As interest continues to grow about how the aura works and what it does, psychic experts offer a variety of interpretations to explain their state and function. In fact, colors are used to explain the uniqueness of the aura of every individual.
Vesuvianite Idocrase Metaphysical Healing Properties
Vesuvianite is a stone of many chakras. The history of its name which has connections to a major historical event in the past has special significance in crystal healing. Its energy is very dynamic and quite potent. Its cooperative energies will further enhance its own properties and the properties of other volcanic gemstones.
Crystal Healing and Connecting with Peridot, Olivine, Chrysolite
Peridot is a fascinating, yet underrated crystal healing stone to work with. It has an interesting web of connections with the history of the Heavens and the Earth. This stone is potent and has uplifting, nurturing, energy that is patient and accepting. It is a joy to work with as common olivine or gemmy peridot.
Adapted Modern Imagery of the Tarot Death Card
Background and insight into the adapted modern imagery and meaning of the Tarot Death card in the Tarot card reading profession and Tarot artist profession. More non-traditional Tarot decks these days use the image of a rising phoenix or a raven in place of the classic Reaping Skeleton Rider or Grim Reaper.
The Five Remembrances via the Death Card in Tarot
The Five Remembrances Sutta is valuable to use with the interpretation of the Tarot Death card. This Sutta is a Buddhist contemplation also known as the Upajjhatthana Sutta, which is a pathway to resolving impermanence in a harmonious and heartfelt way. When this card appears in a Tarot card reading, I believe it is a gift.