Our inner strength is often a foundation of our character. The power within allows us to move in pursuit of our daily undertakings. It is important that our strength grows to be able to adapt to the ever-changing environment and the challenges they present. Building up our core—our values, our missions and aspirations is important work for our aura – our inner force to become empowered.
The power that comes from within essentially projects outward to the world. It is a force of energy we exude; an energetic field that sends a specific vibration. It can be one that accepts and welcomes, or one that can allow us to be shielded from harmful intentions. This vibration results in a “field” that we call the outer layer of the aura.
Ideally, the outer layer should radiate a healthy and balanced presence. Professional psychics who read auras are able to properly assess and help develop your energetic field to its full potential. Personal psychic readings can help to gather all the information necessary about your energy and accurately provide information that will empower your life.
Our aura power has continued to intrigue the spiritual community. As interest continues to grow about how the aura works and what it does, psychic experts offer a variety of interpretations to explain their state and function. Some will perceive the field as an indicator of personal fortitude. Interpretations are as diverse as every individual.
In fact, colors are used to explain the uniqueness of the energy of every individual. And of course, it goes without saying how exciting it is to a psychic aura reader that what they see for you is worthy of further exploration—perhaps something that will contribute immensely to the advancement of your personal and professional life.
Experts who read auras are reading a type or form of energy which means it is something that changes and evolves over time. Our auras can also represent the spiritual nature that radiates from our thoughts and mental focus. Spiritual aura readers are able to assess where struggles and conflicts are occurring and can work with you to resolve them and align a healthier balance.
Every aura reader will have their own interpretation for each aura color they detect in an individual. There are a lot of colors that distinctively define themselves and suit the personality or trait of the person that projects it. Most aura readers do agree however, to offer a general interpretation using the primary colors of the rainbow.
Let’s analyze some of the unusual colors as an example and what they can symbolize as a potential interpretation of someone’s aura color.
Red Aura— Red symbolizes fighting spirit or courage. Red can denote passion without boundaries. It is a color related to survival, safety and security, and reflects a nature that is rooted with connection to physical body or physical environment. Generally, the perception of a red aura is very much known for its connection to people who are strong willed.
Blue Aura—Blue emits an energy that it is often thought of as creative and expressive. It is as if blue always means creative power. This color shows enthusiasm for arts and expressing experience through writing, crafting, dance or the love of speaking and singing. People with a blue aura have a talent for communicating.
White Aura— Purity and peace. It is literally what comes to mind when we see one! With this in mind, a person who exhibits a primarily white aura color will have a calm demeanor. It is reflective of spiritual connection and truthful intent. Unblemished and unbridled, the white aura encourages and influences peaceful action and healing. Hence, it is said that religious leaders, masters, and spiritual teachers can have a white or yellow/gold aura. As a result, it signifies that they are spiritually aware and have accepted a mission to teach peace and compassion.
How Science Experts Detect Auras
Experts including scientists —specifically quantum physicists—accept that everything in the Universe is able to emit energy. Using advanced bio-electric equipment technology, they have been able to conduct experiments that detect the energies that particles emit. A recording technique using electrographics is called Kirlian photography. This method works by mounting an object on top of a sheet of film, and then placing it on top of a metal plate. From there, it is then charged with high voltage. This will then cause a discharge between the metal plate and the object. The film records the emission of light patterns. Kirlian photography is also used to detect energy in the human body.
Importance of aura readings
Think of the aura as being our own spiritual signature. Just as we all have unique fingerprints, everyone has a unique aura. For instance, many people can have a primary color, but the energy is more dimensional than this. Finer details of colors and shades will appear to an aura reader for different aspects of life. As a matter of fact, the color of the emotional aura may be a completely different color when reading certain aspects of health.
The goal when having the aura read is to gain insight about what energies are balanced and what areas are especially charged to assist with manifesting, and which areas are out of balance. This can be significant information to use for decision-making for work, relationships, and health. By having an aura reader offer their insight and experience, it becomes possible to detect what energies are in balance and which are not working harmoniously to optimize a healthy well-being. Since diseases and malfunctions in the body can be present even before their physical symptoms show, the value of having an aura reader share insight about energetic health can also help you with how to begin self-healing.
Truly, there’s a lot to discover and discern in studying aura colors as a representation of ourselves. Please feel free to leave your comments below.
Images by new 1lluminati used under Creative Commons License
Aura power has continued to intrigue the spiritual community. Some will perceive the field as an indicator of personal fortitude. Interpretations are as diverse as every individual.