Learn more about aura colors and meanings for Violet aura, Indigo aura and Violet-White aura personality types and the spiritual significance of these colors. An explanation of these aura color meanings will be explained here if you feel you are a mix of either of the purple colors and are not sure where you fit.
Purple Aura Colors – Violet and Indigo Aura Meanings
Learn more about purple aura colors and meanings for Indigo, Violet and Violet-White aura personality types and the spiritual significance of these colors. If you feel you are a mix of either of these colors and are not quite sure where you fit, an explanation of these aura color meanings will be explained here.
Full Moon Name for August and its Meaning
The full moon name for August has several different names depending on the tradition it comes from.
Psychic Animal Communicators
Pet Psychic Janet Roper talks to Anna Breytenbach about the documentary, “The Animal Communicator” and Billie Dean on Animal Telepathy and Animal Shamanism.
The Fool Tarot Card Meanings (Abstract)
The Fool Tarot card meanings include: Unlimited Potential, New Path, New Direction, Spontaneity, Impulsiveness, Carefree, Gamble/Risk, Naivete, Innocence, Freedom.
Soulmate Connection & Soulmate Vibration Readings
Aura colors that romantic couples have in common can reveal their shared desires, goals and other experiences they have accomplished together. Here are some observations I have witnessed in aura fields of someone in a relationship…
Full Eclipse of the Moon Tarot Snapshot Reading
A tarot card pull for the day of June 15th, 2011 shows the eclipse of the full moon and our admiration of it as we witness the event. A snapshot tarot reading is a method of viewing the cards as a pictorial storybook, allowing the energy and meaning of the cards to shift to a different and non-traditional understanding than the sometimes more rigid and
“I Assumed How To Love You”
One of the most prized gems of wisdom I have acquired over the years came forth from a spiritual mentor and personal friend of mine. It is about the processes of understanding how to love someone, and not just freely giving love because we have love to give.