My psychic abilities identify me to be a clairsentient, clairvoyant aura reader. I am able to interpret sacred messages that come to me in the form of colors and light. Services are carried out with honor and respect.
What Does ‘Psychic’ Mean to Me?
For the purpose of illustrating services I offer here on my website, any psychic service is in reference to foretelling without the use of divination tools or devices by default. A psychic reading is rendered intuitively using my developed extra-sensory abilities.
There is no crystal ball or Ouija Board that I am consulting with like you might see in movies. No runes, pendulums or tea leaves and other things of that nature.
My psychic readings will only include the use of divination items if they are requested (invited) by a client for a consultation.
For a psychic reading, I will tell you what I ‘see’ in the vision of my ‘third eye’. This is the area referred to as the source of the sixth sense, which is not directly linked to the traditional human senses. I am able to connect with different energies, interpret the messages that come to me, and then communicate those messages to you. The abilities I have work in combination with each other and are defined as being part of the following categories:
A Clairvoyant is a person whose psychic ability allows them to energetically receive information about people, objects, locations and physical events. This perceptive sense is probably the most interesting and the most difficult one for me to try to explain my own personal experience with.
Through my clairvoyant ability, I see figures of illuminated, colorful energy related to people or things. I see locations and scenarios playing out within a staging area. I see roads, pathways and foundations made of different elements and with densities that each have their own individual meanings. How I see events and timelines can somewhat be compared to wheels of different sizes turning in different directions in an assigned order. To explain it reads as very abstract. But in my minds eye, this process is related similarly to translating a foreign language to one that a person is familiar with.
Clairsentience is an ability that perceives and physically senses vibration and energy fields, including auras, and can discern what the energies resonate with. It is mostly associated with “feeling a vibe”.
For example, for me, the number 5 has a vibrational feeling or a physical and emotional sensation that is clearly different when compared to the sensation of other numbers I am presented with. I can also sense extended aura fields. Many clairsentients are also empaths. Clairsentience is not the same as empathic but the two are closely related. I am both.
An Empath has the ability to sense & feel the emotions and energies of people, animals and even objects. My experience of this is: “Empathy experienced telepathically” or; sensing the emotions or emotional energy of a person or environment.
Different than human empathy which we all have, Empaths actually feel the feelings, thoughts, pain, happiness and distress of others telepathically. An example of this could be a pair of twins and one of them literally remotely feels the other one is in distress.
An Empath can to enter a person’s emotional space and explore the feelings and the experience of life the person has, on an intimate level. I am often asked during a psychic reading about romance, “how does he feel about me?” It can be challenging to experience deep feelings and put them in to words. Especially when “love” and what love means can be described in so many ways.
Aura Reader
Aura Reading is a side effect my clairvoyance and clairsentience. My experience of auras is primarily how my psychic readings begin to present themselves. An aura is an electromagnetic field that emits from any living thing. When a psychic channel is opened, I see, sense, feel… colors and light. They transliterate into images, imprints, vibrations, and emotions.
In connection to people whom I am reading for, I have come to know varying colors to represent of states of being, states of emotions, or states of health. The colors and the meanings of them as I know them, may mean something entirely different to another aura reader. Context is important.
I believe genuine aura readers can translate colors differently, the same way one Tarot card could mean something very different between a group of different Tarot readers. I believe that not all aura readers can see every aura layer or that some have a limit to what colors they are able to detect. For example, the colors, Indigo and Violet are called purple by some, blue by several, and pink by others, and I do not recognize the color “tan” as an aura color. Although tan is a color, I do not see it as a focus color in a persons energy field.
Psychic Reading Services…
The psychic readings I offer through my website can be conducted in the following ways. Click on any of the links to find out more:
- Buy a psychic reading delivered by email
- Buy a psychic reading conducted via live chat
- Buy a psychic reading communicated on the phone
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