PayPal, credit and debit cards are accepted as a form of payment. You can select a block of time for a reading that fits your needs best by selecting from the drop-down menu.
(This option is coming soon!)
Each service to you is carried out with honor and respect. As your reading is conducted, I focus the same as if we are talking face to face.
Psychic Readings by Video – A recorded video of your reading being conducted allows you to connect with the process and the experience of your event.
A personalized video reading offers opportunities that may be especially appealing to you:
While I am reading, you too can read and interpret what you see, feel and experience from the video to apply to your situation. Refer back where and when you need to.
Card draws and intuitive messages are shared with you in a full, high definition (HD 1080p) video reading, similarly to how a card reading is conducted on Violet’s YouTube videos.
Cards and spreads used for your reading are chosen intuitively on an individual and case-by-case basis. Alternatively, you can request a specific type of card reading and spread; for example, a Tarot reading using a Celtic Cross or Horseshoe spread.
When your reading has been completed, it will be uploaded for you to view privately.
What to Expect
- Shortly after your payment has has processed you will receive a confirmation email. Please be sure that email coming from will not be discarded from your spam box.
- In the confirmation email, I will introduce myself and schedule an appointment to discuss your needs. We can set up a time when a phone, chat or email session is convenient for you to share about your topic(s) or concern(s) that will be read for you.
- You may forward any preferences about a specific method of divination (Tarot, Oracle, different decks, spreads, etc.) that you may feel a connection to. If you do not have a preference, I will choose the method(s) that I feel will best return accurate, detailed answers to you.
- After your reading has been conducted, it will be uploaded and a personal URL will be sent to you so that you may view it. The viewing link is private. Your personalized reading will only be viewable with whomever you choose to share the viewing link with.
- After you have viewed your reading you are welcome to contact me to clarify anything that .
Thank you for choosing me to conduct your reading for you.