A free birthday tarot card reading for Virgo, August 23 – Sept 22, 2014 using the Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma.
Warm blessings to my Virgo birthday guests! Happy Birthday! Thank you for visiting me today for your free single tarot card reading.
In this post, I will be reporting the energies surrounding Leo signs for their birth month. If you would like a full, personalized reading or forecast, click here for rates.
Your free birthday card today is a single card draw from the Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma. This is one of several tarot decks that I own. This beautiful deck called to me to be chosen for this reading.
Earth Sign: Virgo for August 23 to September 22
Caption: A single tarot card was drawn for the Earth Sign Virgo birthday reading . The result is: Minor Arcana, Traveling – Eight of Fire.
Minor Arcana, Traveling – Eight of Fire – The energy of this number Eight card appropriately highlights cycles, momentum, continuity, success, and wealth. It is a magical and lucky number within many traditions and philosophies in the realms of both the spiritual, and the scientific.
If there was ever a reminder that, “life is a journey and not a destination”, this card reveals itself to you for your birthday with this loving and valuable message. You have come so far in life and still have adventure up ahead. It is time to rest for a short moment this month to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. Enjoy the blessings you have received during your travels here on Earth.
For the month of Virgo which ends on September 22nd, your key to happiness will be to start allowing yourself to deeply experience and feel the beneficial emotions that are driving you forward. Syncing with this energy will open up new avenues for you and lead you to new and exciting opportunities.
This card shares the following messages with you at this time:
- Don’t over-think things. Keep it simple.
- Let go of obstacles. Focus only on solutions.
- Be open and allow space for new opportunities.
You have a beautiful path ahead this month. It is one to celebrate and share. Don’t let your passion for wanting to keep order and stability stifle your creativity. It turns simple processes into complicated ones and clear decisions become clouded and convoluted. There are opportunities around you waiting to open up and become realized. With support and guidance the path to the liberty you seek in your life will be revealed.
A reading that is personalized is a great gift to yourself or for a friend. The details that can be shared about the energy in your immediate environment can set you on a path to greater fulfillment and well-being. I invite you to make contact with me for further information.
Do you know someone who is born under the sign of Virgo? Don’t forget to share!
Happy birthday Virgo Spirits and many blessings,
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