A free inspirational oracle card reading from a random oracle card deck.
Greetings and love to you. Thank you for visiting me for your free oracle card reading today.
In this post, I will be sharing channeled inspiration from one of my oracle card decks chosen at random. Since you have happened to arrive at this page to see what is here, I would like to think that this message is intended for you to know right now!
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Your free oracle card reading today is a single card draw from the Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild. This is one of several oracle decks that I own. It happened to call to me to be chosen for this reading.
Free Inspirational Oracle Card Reading
My interpretation of this oracle card is the following:
The Dance Unveiling result for today’s draw represents clarity, confirmation and acknowledgement for a revelation that has been dwelling in your subconscious. It appears that you are on the precipice of a new understanding in regards to something that is meaningful to your core values about the meaning of life and your purpose here.
Know that you are about to come into a realization that can shift your perspective or spark useful ideas about a new direction or approach to things. Now is a time to allow your mind to have the space and peace that it needs to allow the revelation(s) to come forward into your awareness.
Other loving reminders and advice interpreted from this card:
- Allow ample time for meditation that will quiet the mind.
- Spend time in nature to help facilitate natural “blooming” of your thoughts.
- Rest well and utilize aromatherapy or other relaxing, nurturing and peaceful “inactivities”.
This energy calls for you to make space to allow your awareness to center itself. There is a shift; possibly a course correction or adaptation to direct your current path on a road that will give you the “tools and replenishing supplies” to help you move further on your way happily and successfully. There may be quite a lot of, “a-ha!” moments ahead of you in the near future. It is an exciting time to be gathering new treasures! Enjoy!
For a reading that includes a full card spread, personalized to pick up the energies in your immediate environment, I invite you to make contact with me for further information.
Do you know someone who might be inspired by this card? Don’t forget to share with them!
Bright blessings,
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