Happy New Year! In this article I will be visiting the energies in the rising aura of 2017.
Do you have goals or resolutions in mind? As we enter into 2017 are you curious about what energies will support your path? If you have not set a specific intention for the year yet, no worries, it is never too late! Maybe having an idea about the strongest vibrations through the year will give insight and highlight some prospects!
2017 is a year of many vibrations rising in the Torus. No matter where you are in the world, these energies apply to the global stream of consciousness. First, I will begin with the vibration that looks to be the sovereign of each month:
2017 Anno Solve et Coagula
The solve et coagula mechanism is a striking, authoritative energy implanted into the aura of each month of the year in 2017. Translated from Latin; “dissolve and coagulate” describes an ancient alchemical process.
Quoting a blog post from Spiritual Technology, “It could be described as a process where something is broken down to its elements, a process which produces energy that compels reconstitution in a purer form.”
The vibration of this process will be driving through government and activist agendas especially. It seems like there are layers upon layers of different philosophical constructs that will be touched by it. This operation is guided by Will and intention. And, any person’s idea of what new foundation means, what refining progress means, and what methods are enacted upon to achieve the end result, will vary from one to the the next.
On an individual basis; personally, professionally and spiritually, in 2017 we will discard, disperse and sort out elements that do not serve our desires to bring forth transformation and change. And from that point, we regroup or reform fundamentals and essentials to create new, fortified foundations to build on.
It seems like no area of moral or ethical value will go untouched. Hence, masses of individuals will be working within this stream of consciousness. Enough that I feel this is the principal operating force of the year.
The solve et coagula process is explained so beautifully at the site I mentioned. I invite you to read the short and informative post about it. (I could not have explained the concept better myself in so few words!)
Charting a New Course
We have two side-effects that will result from activation of both the principal operation “dissolve and coagulate” and the shift in the stream I about to describe.
They are: discovering new alignment and also the embodiment of devotion.
During my discussion on Intuitive Transformation Radio in November 2016, I reported my assessment of society’s stream of consciousness. At that point in time it communicated as:
“We are collectively shaping a vision of what we want life to look like beyond our own personal aspirations.”
Another vibration now present in the Collective exhibits nuances of a shift that occurred within a shared thinking pattern. Interestingly, this evolution appears to have developed where the beliefs about what creates happiness starts taking shape. To compare, in the past the consensus about what created happiness was more material in nature (money, home, job, health.)
Actually, this material-natured vibration of creating happiness still exists within the stream. However, the Collective reads on a greater measure at present, that happiness is cultivated in the strength of our autonomy. We hold a vision for greater autonomy among our human family to benefit the whole. Therefore, we want the same for others as we want for ourselves.
2017 Year of Alignment and Devotion
Part of the process of persuading this vision of greater autonomy towards realization is investigating our alignments. I mentioned in this article: “In context, “alignment” is the spectrum of where our beliefs fall, in complement to our thoughts, desires, our actions and habits.”
Where like-mindedness is concerned, streams of consciousness around the world are coming together. Each with a strong clarity of purpose and passion for specific beliefs and causes.
As these ‘hives’ of group minds build at an eager rate, the appearance of divisiveness and “taking sides” will come to light. We will hear, “divide and conquer” or “remain divided, and be conquered.” These are words of persuasion, used to add pressure to choose your alliance.
Under these conditions, the alignments of our beliefs will become even more clear. And, alliances to progress the agenda of these beliefs to work for the whole will grow stronger. To move agendas forward in 2017, either individually or as part of a group, understanding what our alignments are and who our primary support system is, will be fundamental to realizing the greater autonomy we envision.
Devotion to our desires, our goals, our passions and our connections with one another will be flourishing this year! Since devotion is such a deep emotional and spiritual energy, the bonds that are created and fused will bring us closer to actualizing transformation. As a result, this will heighten our appreciation for the human potential.
2017 Year of Psychic Communication
We can expect plenty of reports about uncanny experiences and ‘coincidences’ in 2017. Imagine a remarkable measure of matched-frequency energy channeling between members of like-minded individuals. Now, imagine this group mind is aligned with very specific ideals. Already this energizes powerful psychic energy.
Next, add to this mass-mind’s alignment, the potent energy of their devotion to manifest their ideals, all operating on the same frequency at once. The psychic energy will be through the roof!
We have potential for some interesting scenarios. For example, everyone in one restaurant wearing the same color and they haven’t met each other! Perhaps it will be only a certain type of group of complete strangers who are color coordinated. Females? Maybe dark haired children? Maybe all of the cars in one area of a parking lot will be the same color too, also totally and completely randomly. How amazing is it for the potential of scenarios like these to happen without any prior arrangements!
Psychic energy is always flowing, so don’t brush supernatural experiences off as coincidence. With so many like-minded people on a single frequency, weirdness is bound to ensue! Synchronicity, and just seeing the results of supernatural energy manifesting before us can be a real treat. And, especially when a lot of people are tuned into the same channel at once, this can manage to make astronomically odd things appear out of nowhere.
Telepathy in particular is a psychic ability I feel people will be reporting much more of in this coming year. Empath transmission and psychosomatic stress symptoms may also be something to keep an eye on. For anyone not accustomed to processing metaphysical vibrations, this can be very confusing and overwhelming.
Energetic Awareness
Psychic connections also generate magnetism in the higher chakras where vibration can move at a faster rate. These energy centers can become overstimulated, potentially causing imbalances in sleep, concentration and emotional stability. Be aware that activity and energy balance in the lower chakras can become easily neglected as well.
Consequently, if anyone is feeling confused or overwhelmed I am available for counsel. There are many psychics and intuitives who correspond with the psychic realm regularly. It is our career. Please be in touch. I also definitely recommend engaging in a practice of using different grounding techniques to become a daily ritual.
I am hopeful that the topic of psychic communication will be put on the table more often. Especially with the rise of psychic communication coming this year. I believe topics about psychic abilities shouldn’t always be spoken about in whispers just to confirm a sanity check.
2017 Year of the Tarot Wheel of Fortune & The Magician
In numerology, 2017 is reduced as: 2+0+1+7 = 10 which will further reduce to 1. The equivalent Major Arcana cards in the Tarot respectively are: The Wheel of Fortune, numbered 10, and then The Magician, numbered 1.
My personal method for reading from a Numerology-Tarot perspective for this year is adapted from my Celtic Cross spread. In the spread I read Major Arcana card 10 (The Wheel of Fortune) in combination with card Major Arcana card 1 (The Magician.)
The Wheel of Fortune 10 : Crowning card of the year, also referred to as the card that holds goals and aspirations. Its position in the spread is energetically aligned to flow with Liberation. Its simplified meaning for a Thoth deck can be read here. For a Rider-Waite deck here.
The Magician 1: Foundation card of the year, referring to it as a card that operates in partnership with external guiding influences. Its position in the spread is energetically aligned to flow with Manifestation. Its simplified meaning is here for Thoth, and for Rider-Waite located here.
Outside of numerology and the Tarot; according to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers, the number 10 speaks of claircognizance and receiving Divine Guidance. In addition, the note also says to stay positive about the messages received. The number 1 speaks of our oneness, the association of our thoughts, and to focus on desires rather than fears.
New Aeon 2017
Drawing purely from the energies that I have expressed so far; related to alchemy, alignment, devotion, psychic communication as well as the Tarot harmonized with numerology and so forth, the cards whose energies resonate most strongly to this year’s aura for me are from a Thoth deck: The Six of Swords and The Aeon.
Incidentally, I had drafted this reading two days prior to New Year’s Day arriving. At midnight when the clock struck January 1 in my time zone, I shuffled and drew a card from my most revered Thoth deck. The card that that was drawn turned out to be The Aeon card. For me, this was an acknowledgement of my reading and a confirmation of the energies cycling in the Torus. It is said that in the New Aeon, “humanity will enter a time of self-realization and self-actualization.”
In summary, beginning in 2017 the coalitions of like-minded groups will amass in greater numbers to concentrate their power. This will manifest to some as an alarming crisis. To others it will be seen as a breakthrough. The struggle for who will control the fate of autonomy will continue on its path to find balance.
- Align with your allies. Support an agenda to manifest change.
- Devote your energy to manifesting your vision in any way you can.
- Psychic connections and psychic experiences are omens. Omens unveil to inform you that you are tuned in, and transformation is in motion.
- You may feel that changes are happening faster than you can keep up with. We are all in that boat! Stay grounded. Keep doing the grounding work.
Keywords for 2017
Finally, in the process of reading the energies for the coming new year, the following words, or concepts have come up. Most I’ve written about in the body of the content above. Others are only listed below as keywords in no particular order.
2017 year of – the element of air, suit of swords, suit of spades, psychic energy, intuition, devotion, command, passage, drive, ascension, atune, portals, telepathy, activism, transmission, telemetry, arrival, method, traverse, trespass, assembly, rationale, connection, pivotal, transport, political climate, tangible, custodian, expression, capability, humanity
May you fly high. May you fly free. Light’s blessings,
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