What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced /ray’-kee/) means “universal life force”.
It is a non-invasive, natural healing technique. Practitioners of Reiki intentionally channel healthful energy throughout the body to tone and enhance overall well-being. This method of energy healing is performed in person or remotely in a tranquil environment suitable for deep meditation.
Reiki is founded on an enlightenment that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and gives us life. This life force energy can be channeled between people to promote healing and harmony throughout the body. There are no special attributes a person needs to possess to channel reiki energy. Courses are available for anyone to learn how to heal with their life force energy.
How Else Can Reiki Help?
Because of the way a quality reiki healing session is conducted with deep meditation, it is especially helpful for balancing conditions that are rooted emotionally, such as stress, anxiety and other negative emotions.
The energy healing is often coupled with the use of items related to aromatherapy, incense, candles, crystals, bells or music to promote connection to the elements and for spiritual healing and well-being. It is a preferred therapy for balancing energy centers related to chakras and auras.
It is also associated as a type of Relaxation Response Therapy, where the included benefits of meditation are documented to alleviate (and in some cases eliminate) physical pain such as arthritis, joint and back pain, high blood pressure and inflammations.
You can view my rates for Distance Reiki and Aura Healing services by clicking here.
How is it Taught?
Reiki is taught from a master practitioner to a student through a series of attunements and study. A student is taught to understand a body’s energy centers, energy fields, meridians, all of their functions and other subtleties. The apprentice is also taught a series of sacred symbols and mantras to initiate the healing session in a sacred manner. It is believed the reverence is beneficial towards summoning reiki energy and to direct it more precisely.
The founder of this healing technique, Dr. Mikao Usui, believed that an approach to a wholesome system must also include an active commitment to improve oneself. The ideals are both; guidelines for living a gracious life and virtues worthy of practice for their inherent value.
The Reiki Principals
The Reiki Principals (shown left) are a guide by which the teachers of this healing technique apply to their life and work. An actively practicing Reiki Master has immersed themselves into a way of life that is on purpose with healing and preventive maintenance, living harmoniously, and complimenting and supporting creative energies to continue expanding.
Reiki and other holistic healing therapies are never to be used as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. They can be used together with any other form of medical, natural or alternative therapy in compliment to it.
Practitioners do not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Click here to learn more about the Distance Reiki and Aura Healing services I offer.