It is a non-invasive, natural healing technique. Practitioners of Reiki intentionally channel healthful energy throughout the body to tone and enhance overall well-being. This method of energy healing is performed in person or remotely in a tranquil environment suitable for deep meditation.
Dream Analysis
Your mind has a way of using your life experiences to get a message out to you. It does this through dreaming. Sometimes dreams invoke strong emotions and can bring up matters that need attention. Essentially, there is a part of you that is beckoning to be heard. Are you taking notice of recurring signs?
Lenormand Cards
Oracle cards root back from as early as the 15th century. Over hundreds of years, the images, pips and symbols on the cards evolved and were modified. In the late 18th Century a deck of oracle cards was named for famous French cartomancer, Marie Anne Lenormand, two years after her death, and is still used for divination today. The cards known as The Lenormand Oracle