The Wheel of Light Tarot Spread is a nice change from other card spreads. You choose a significator and deal cards around a wheel until the significator appears. You then read the cards to the left and right of the significator. Don’t let the instructions fool you. It really is very simple!
The High Priestess Five Card Tarot Spread
The High Priestess 5-Card Tarot spread is a consultation with the mysterious and empowered Divine Feminine. This tarot spread works well when you want to become aware of what energies are present that influence your state of mind to create habits. With this knowledge you can do work to establish stronger links to positive influences.
Vesuvianite Idocrase Metaphysical Healing Properties
Vesuvianite is a stone of many chakras. The history of its name which has connections to a major historical event in the past has special significance in crystal healing. Its energy is very dynamic and quite potent. Its cooperative energies will further enhance its own properties and the properties of other volcanic gemstones.
Crystal Healing and Connecting with Peridot, Olivine, Chrysolite
Peridot is a fascinating, yet underrated crystal healing stone to work with. It has an interesting web of connections with the history of the Heavens and the Earth. This stone is potent and has uplifting, nurturing, energy that is patient and accepting. It is a joy to work with as common olivine or gemmy peridot.
What Matters Within 3-Card Spread
The What Matters Within 3-card Tarot Oracle Spread is a centering and humbling card layout. It is used to reveal which divine influences have been empowering to our spirit. This layout can be read with a Tarot deck or any oracle deck with beautiful results for spiritual encouragement, or for divine guidance, advice and acknowledgement.
Adapted Modern Imagery of the Tarot Death Card
Background and insight into the adapted modern imagery and meaning of the Tarot Death card in the Tarot card reading profession and Tarot artist profession. More non-traditional Tarot decks these days use the image of a rising phoenix or a raven in place of the classic Reaping Skeleton Rider or Grim Reaper.
Abundance 3-Card Tarot Spread
The Spirit of Abundance 3-card Tarot Oracle Spread is the perfect layout to reveal what energies are ready to be cultivated and nurtured, and to see the abundance that is possible for you. It can be read with a Tarot deck or any oracle deck with beautiful results for work, relationships, finance and spiritual matters.
The Fool Tarot Card Meanings (Abstract)
The Fool Tarot card meanings include: Unlimited Potential, New Path, New Direction, Spontaneity, Impulsiveness, Carefree, Gamble/Risk, Naivete, Innocence, Freedom.
Full Eclipse of the Moon Tarot Snapshot Reading
A tarot card pull for the day of June 15th, 2011 shows the eclipse of the full moon and our admiration of it as we witness the event. A snapshot tarot reading is a method of viewing the cards as a pictorial storybook, allowing the energy and meaning of the cards to shift to a different and non-traditional understanding than the sometimes more rigid and
The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread – 10 Card Traditional
The position of the cards in a Celtic Cross spread are placed and interpreted differently from reader to reader. Is there a right order for cards? Here we learn what each position represents and why.